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This clarification text ("Cookie Clarification Text") has been prepared by TEXMART LTD.  (TEXMART or the "Company") as the data controller within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 66969 ("Law"), and the purpose of the text is to provide you with detailed explanations regarding the processing of personal data obtained automatically through the placement of cookies used on our website ("SITE") on your device, for what purposes and what types of cookies we use, for what purposes your personal data is processed and transferred in this context, your rights regarding your personal data, and how you can manage these cookies.


TEXMART takes the highest possible security measures to ensure that personal data is collected, stored and shared in accordance with the law and to protect its confidentiality in order to provide better service to its users.


This Cookie Policy does not cover applications outside the control of our Company, information collected by third party websites and platforms, information collected by third party sites through links in the Application or headings, campaigns and other advertisements or promotions on third party sites. Our Company is not responsible for the transactions made for the personal data collected, stored and used by third parties through their websites.



TEXMART may update and change the provisions of this Cookie Clarification Text at any time by publishing it on its website or mobile application.




As TEXMART LTD. (TEXMART), we use cookies, pixel tags ("pixels") and local storage technologies to facilitate the use of our website and to personalize the use of our website. We want this page to help you understand why these technologies are used and how to control or - if you prefer - delete them. As TEXMART, we would like to inform you that we only process cookies for our customers and members, and that we process cookies other than strictly necessary cookies in case of explicit consent. There is no cookie processing activity for visitors who do not shop on our site or who are not members. The information obtained with the cookies used in case of consent does not contain any personal information (name, surname, T.R. ID No, gender, age, etc.).


Cookies can be classified in terms of (i) parties, (ii) duration of use and (iii) purpose of use. In this context, detailed explanations will be made below regarding the cookies used.


Since mandatory cookies are used compulsorily for the operation of our website, the data processing justification here is that data processing is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of a right specified in Article 5/2 of the law and that data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm fundamental rights and freedoms.  Our data processing justification for cookies other than mandatory cookies is your explicit consent.


What is a Cookie?


Almost all companies that offer products or services to their customers through their websites use cookies on these websites. We also use cookies in order to provide you with a better, faster and safer shopping experience and to improve our products and services in line with your demands and needs. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device (e.g. computer or mobile phone) when you visit a website. Cookies can be stored on your device through your browser during your first visit to a website. When you visit the same website again with the same device, your browser checks whether there is a cookie stored on your device on behalf of the website. If there is a record, it transmits the data in the record to the website you are visiting. In this way, the website recognizes that you have visited the site before and determines the content to be delivered to you accordingly.


Why are cookies used and what is the purpose of our processing?


Some cookies enable the website to remember the preferences you have used in your previous visits, enabling your subsequent visits to offer a much more user-friendly and personalized experience.


In order to operate our website, to measure the number of customers, visitors and members of the Company, to carry out statistical studies on product and service production, to carry out the necessary work by our business units to benefit you from the products and services offered by the Company, to recommend the products and services offered by the Company to you by customizing them according to your tastes, usage habits and needs, to offer you special advertisements, campaigns and other benefits by analyzing them by the Company and / or companies / brands that are members of the customer satisfaction programs we manage. Data can be processed through cookies within the provisions specified in Article 5 of the KVKK and detailed above


Controlling and Deleting Cookies


You can check all your cookie preferences and give/remove your permissions through the cookie preferences management tool on our website. Necessary cookies on our website are used for the site to provide services and generate data that does not have the nature of personal data. For explanations about other types of cookies and management of your permissions for these cookies, you need to use our cookie management tool. We request your explicit consent to use cookies other than essential cookies and to share them with our business partners.


You can edit your cookie preferences through the cookie preferences management tool. After editing, you can delete previously assigned cookies from the guidance we have shared below. In addition, it is sufficient to change the settings of your internet browser to change your preferences regarding the use of cookies or to block or delete cookies. Many browsers give you the option to accept or reject cookies, accept only certain types of cookies, or be alerted by the browser when a website requests to store cookies on your device so that you can control cookies. It is also possible to delete cookies that have already been saved in your browser. The procedures for controlling or deleting cookies may vary depending on the browser you are using.


Category 1- Mandatory Cookies


These cookies are important for your navigation of the website, for providing access to secure areas of the website and for the assertion of permissions. Without these cookies, the services you have requested, such as the shopping cart or payment page on our website, cannot be provided.




Category 2- 'Statistics' Cookies



These cookies collect information about how our visitors use the website. For example, they let us know which pages visitors go to most often and whether they receive error messages from web pages. These cookies do not contain information that identifies a visitor, they collect information anonymously.


Category 3: Targeting / Advertising Cookies



These cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and the number of ads in accordance with your interests. They are usually placed by advertising networks with the permission of the website operator. They remember the websites you visit and share this information with other organizations such as 3rd party advertisers. Very often cookies link to the sites of other advertisements for targeting purposes. These cookies are not first-party cookies that TEXMART is the first party operator, and targeting is done through the permissions previously given by the users.




These are cookies that remind the user of the previously selected options for the convenience of the user and aim to provide users with advanced internet features within the scope of the website.



Category 2- 'Statistics' Cookies



These cookies collect information about how our visitors use the website. For example, they let us know which pages visitors go to most often and whether they receive error messages from web pages. These cookies do not contain information that identifies a visitor, they collect information anonymously.









Cookie Name

Cookie Definition



A unique key used to identify visitor sessions.

During the session


Cookie created by applications based on the PHP language. This is a general purpose identifier used to maintain user session variables. Normally a randomly generated number, how it is used can be site specific, but a good example is to maintain a user's login status between pages.

During the session


Used for a healthy session on the website

1 day




Cookie Name

Cookie Definition



This cookie is set by AddThis to allow website visitors to share content on various social networks.

365 day


This cookie is used to measure the efficiency of the website's advertising efforts by collecting data about the conversion rate of the website's advertisements across multiple websites.

365 day




Cookie Name



It is widely used by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie makes user tracking possible by synchronizing the ID across many Microsoft domains.

62 day


This cookie is usually provided by PayPal and supports payment services on the website.

365 day


Facilitates protection against cross-site request forgery. This helps protect data submitted through forms on the website.

14 day


Facilitates protection against cross-site request forgery. This helps protect data submitted through forms on the website.

14 Day


allows you to provide anonymous analytics on how visitors use your widgets

Oturum süresince


The ID used to identify users for 24 hours after the last event

1 Day


Segmentify uses this cookie to identify the visitor.

390 Day


This cookie is used to determine the preferred country setting selected by the visitor, to provide relevant information and to improve the user experience.

30 Day


It references a shopping cart for anonymous users.

1 Day


Stores a unique identifier generated by a server-side collector for a user, sent with all subsequent tracking event events. Can be used as a first-party cookie if the collector is in the same domain as the site.

Oturum süresince


Session cookie set by Magnolia to remember language preferences and personalize content.

365 Day


The __stid cookie is set as part of the ShareThis service and tracks user activity; web pages viewed, page-to-page navigation, time spent on each page, etc.

366 Day


It is set up as part of the ShareThis service and tracks user activity; web pages viewed, page-to-page navigation, time spent on each page.

366 day




Cookie Name



Cookies used to identify individual users.

90 day


Texmart includes a unique visitor ID that allows it to track the visitor across multiple websites. Texmart helps to optimize ad relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times

90 day


Used to activate the offer process.

90 day


Enables the bid process to be activated.

90 day


This cookie is used to identify the visitor and optimize advertising relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites - the exchange of this visitor data is normally provided by a third party data center or ad exchange.

90 day


The anj cookie contains data indicating whether a cookie ID has been synchronized with our partners. Identity synchronization allows our partners to use their data on the Platform from outside the Platform.

90 day


This cookie contains a randomly generated unique value that allows the Platform to distinguish between browsers and devices.

90 day


Provides information about sessions opened by Criteo.

365 day


ptrrhs texmart provides the ability to serve better targeted ads based on users' interests.

365 Day


This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising company. Contributes to advertising and targeting

363 day


This domain is owned by Adscale, a German online advertising company.

363 Day


IDSYNC identifies whether cookie data needs to be updated in the Visitor's browser - this is determined through third party ad serving companies.

365 Day


Used to determine whether the user's browser accepts cookies

365 Day


Unique value to identify individual users.

365 Day


It contains a unique visitor ID that allows to track the visitor across multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize ad relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads multiple times.

365 day


This cookie stores anonymized data on users' web usage as well as anonymized activities in order to create a profile to provide more targeted and relevant marketing and advertising.

182 Day


It records anonymized user data, such as IP address, geographic location, websites visited and which ads the user clicked on, in order to optimize the display of ads based on the user's movement on websites that use the same ad network.

182 Day


For the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements, it collects visitor data about the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the website and which pages were loaded.

365 day


Collects data about visitor behavior from multiple websites to serve more relevant ads - This also allows the website to limit the number of times the same ad is shown to the visitor.

90 Day


For the purpose of displaying targeted advertisements, it collects visitor data about the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the website and which pages were loaded.

90 Day

a749381 Retargeting cookie used by the advertising service provider.

62 day


Cookies used to store and track conversions

365 day


This cookie is used by to help understand how websites are used or how effective marketing campaigns are, or to help customize websites for visitors.

365 day


It contains a unique ID to identify a user.

390 day


It collects anonymous statistical data about the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the website and which pages were loaded. The aim is to segment users of the website by factors such as demographics and geographical location in order to allow media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable personalized online advertising.

270 day


It collects anonymous statistical data about the user's website visits, such as the number of visits, the average time spent on the website and which pages were loaded. The aim is to segment users of the website by factors such as demographics and geographical location in order to allow media and marketing agencies to structure and understand their target groups to enable personalized online advertising.

270 day


The unique value by which Audience Manager can identify a user. Used for identification, segmentation, modeling and reporting purposes, among others.

180 day


This cookie is used for targeting, analyzing and optimizing advertising campaigns in DoubleClick/Google Marketing Suite

400 day


This duration indicates the length of time a service can store certain data from your computer using a cookie, a pixel, an API, cookie-free tracking or other sources.

180 day


This cookie is set by Outbrain and is used to analyze technical data about the website.

14 day


This cookie is associated with mediavine advertising agency. It is intended to create a profile about the user and show relevant advertisements.

14 day


It sets a unique ID that allows third-party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This matching service is provided by third-party ad centers, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.

14 day


It sets a unique ID for the visitor that allows third-party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This matching service is provided by third-party ad centers that facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.

90 Day


It sets a unique ID for the visitor that allows third-party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertising. This matching service is provided by third-party ad centers that facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.

90 Day


It is used to target ads by recording the user's movements between websites.

363 Day


It registers a unique ID that identifies the returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted advertising.

180 Day


Used by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers

90 Day


It contains information about the user's marketing campaigns. These are shared with Google AdWords / Google Ads when Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked.

400 Day


It is used by Google AdSense to test advertising effectiveness on websites that use its services.

90 Day


Expiration information of Segmentify cookies.

30 Day


Criteo Cookie that supports social media sharing.

390 Day


Measure and improve the performance of your advertising campaigns and personalize the user's experience (including ads) on TikTok.

390 Day


This cookie provides functions between pages.

396 Day

data-c delivers relevant content and advertising to the provider and the user.

30 Day

data-c-ts collects data about the user across Web sites - this data is used to make the ads more relevant.

30 Day

visitor-id, this is a cookie pattern that adds a unique identifier used for tracking purposes for a website visitor.

365 Day


This cookie stores data about the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertising relevance.

90 Day


This cookie stores data about the visitor. The information is used to optimize advertising relevance.

30 day


Uses cookies as a scalable native advertising platform

365 day


Controls status updates.



This domain name is owned by Pubmatic. It operates an ad exchange platform where online publishers can sell targeted ad space to media buyers using real-time bidding.

365 Day


It registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during repeat visits to websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted advertising.

30 day


Rubicon Project cookie to save cookie consent data.

365 Day


This cookie carries information about how the end user uses the website and any advertisements the end user may have seen before visiting that website.

365 Day


It registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device for repeat visits.

365 day


Delivering targeted and relevant content

30 day


Optimizes ad display based on a combination of user actions and various advertiser bids for displaying user ads.

366 day


SmartAdServer is a remote ad serving system. Sites and Advertisers use the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data about their visitors to track the delivery of their campaigns and improve their performance.

397 Day


SmartAdServer is a remote ad serving system. Sites and Advertisers use the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data about their visitors to track the delivery of their campaigns and improve their performance.

397 Day


This cookie gives the user who interacts with the Taboola Widget a User ID that allows us to target ads and content to that specific user ID.

365 day


This cookie gives the user who interacts with the Taboola Widget a User ID that allows us to target ads and content to that specific user ID.

365 day


Teads uses a "tt_viewer" cookie to help personalize the video ads you see on our partner websites.

364 day


To measure and improve the performance of your advertising campaigns and to personalize the user's experience (including ads) on TikTok.

390 Day


Tremorvideo marketing auxiliary advertising cookie

30 day


Tremorvideo's advertising cookie.

366 day


RTB House is a cookie used to track user identity.

90 Day


Advertising targeting cookie for Yahoo.

366 Day


Tracks using the device identifier.

365 Day


"Session-based" cookies only remain while your browser is open and are automatically deleted when you close your browser. "Persistent" cookies remain until you or your browser delete them or they expire.

365 Day


Yahoo uses these cookies to provide requested features and display content.

365 Day


It is a cookie that stores the time the user stays on the page in seconds. It is stored throughout the session.

During the Session


It is a cookie that keeps the number of pages visited by the user from the first date the user comes to the site. It is stored for a maximum of 1 year.

Maximum 1 Year


A cookie that keeps the duration of the user's stay on the site in seconds during the session, this cookie is automatically deleted when the user closes the browser.

During the Session


It is a cookie that keeps the duration of the user's stay on the site in seconds from the first date the user comes to the site. It is stored for a maximum of 1 year.

Maximum 1 Year


It is a cookie that keeps a record of the first visit date of the user coming to the site. With this cookie, the person is marked as new visitor, returning visitor and banners and pop-ups are run according to this data. It is stored for a maximum of 1 year.

Maximum 1 Year


It is placed for statistical and analysis purposes. Users' behavior on the website can be tracked through this material and scenarios are run in relation to this data. It is stored for a maximum of 1 year.

Maximum 1 Year








Sharing and Retention Period


In order to achieve the purposes specified in this Clarification text, your data may be transferred to business partners, public institutions and organizations from which the Company will receive services, and to service providers in the country and abroad for the storage of personal data, and your data may be processed by these transferred organizations.


Cookies are stored for different periods of time. The retention periods are specified in the relevant categories above




As personal data subjects, you can submit your requests regarding your rights in writing by filling out the personal data application form shared with the public at tr internet address or in writing with another document containing your mandatory information written in the application form or registered electronic mail (KEP) address, secure electronic signature, If you submit your identity to TEXMART in a verifiable manner by using your mobile signature or the e-mail address previously notified to TEXMART by the relevant person and registered in TEXMART's system, at or in writing to TEXMART at the postal address specified below, TEXMART will finalize the request free of charge as soon as possible and within thirty days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires an additional cost, TEXMART will charge the fee in the tariff determined by the Personal Data Protection Board. In this context, personal data owners;


Learn whether personal data is being processed,

Request information if their personal data has been processed,

To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their intended purpose,

To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,

To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,

Although it has been processed in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 6698 and other relevant laws, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data in the event that the reasons requiring its processing disappear and to request notification of the transaction made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,

To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, to demand compensation for the damage has the right




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